Cloudvue provides intelligent, industry-focused tools with proven reliability.

Cloudvue solutions improve security operations and drive operational efficiency, worldwide– every day. With two decades of experience serving thousands of clients, Cloudvue has grown to support operations across nearly every industry. The benefits of smarter technology extend well beyond security.

Monitoring Critical Operations and Ensuring Worker Safety

The City of Rome Georgia needed a more efficient way to monitor critical infrastructure and ensure worker safety with city operations. Learn how they leveraged cloud technology to launch a modern city-wide program.

Project scope: Courthouses, government buildings, parking decks, cemeteries, fire stations, police stations, water treatment facilities, filtration plants, pump stations, roadways and more.

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Managing Security and Business Operations Across Many Locations

Learn how AquaMarina Management leveraged cloud technology to better manage security and business operations across many locations. Also see how they pushed this technology beyond the realm of traditional video surveillance to provide additional services for their clients. 

Project scope: Office buildings, marinas, parking lots, warehouses, remote monitoring of business operations, custom surveillance access so boat owners can monitor their ships and boats.  Read more…

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